

Preparing for interviews

Preparing for interviews: Ask yourself ‘What else?’

There is one particular question I love to ask my clients when we are trying to figure out all of their talents and capabilities. That question is; What else? As many of the educators I meet are hardworking, modest professionals who show up and get the job done, they often find it hard to declare what is so great about themselves. Once we start to delve into their capabilities and strengths together, I ask them to delve deeper.

Identifying your strengths

Brainstorming is a great way to start to di…

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Primary Interviews

Primary Interviews - are they really all sewn-up?

Some applicants for teaching jobs can lose faith if they are not being called for interview and may feel that the school has already chosen a teacher for the position before the interviews even take place! For the jobs in August especially - you are in with a real shot when you remain hopeful, positive and optimistic about the opportunities that lie ahead! It’s a great ideas to take a look at the situation from a different angle!

Your SAF and CV

If you are applying for tonnes of jobs on Education …

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Teaching Interviews

Teaching Interviews: What if I get the feeling that they didn’t like me?

The job-search can be a very daunting thing.

  • You know that you are up against many other applicants, and you hope to be the one to be selected for that great teaching job.

  • You have all the qualifications you need but feel that you may not have come across as well as you had hoped in your interview.

  • You are already working in the school - but you know that your principal will base the job on your interview performance so you really want to impress.

  • Was there something about the way you came across th…

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ways I can help you land your dream teaching job

4 ways I can help you land your dream teaching job

I am an experienced career coach and I enjoy seeing my clients succeed in their interviews and land that dream teaching job. There are many ways that you can improve your chances of success by working with me. Here are the main 4 ways we can work together to make you stand out from the crowd.

CV Analysis

Curriculum Vitae in Latin, means the course of a life. This document is there to show the course of your education and professional development, along with your character and strengths. There are …

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CV Templates

CV Templates: Making your CV stand out

I receive many CVs every year to review for my clients, and sometimes I see that the important information regarding their teaching experience is not brought to the fore. Your SAF affords you the opportunity to outline your experience with the aid of specific sections and headings, but your CV can let you down if you don’t know where this important information should be. Below are tips on how to avoid this mistakes, and a few more pieces of advice too. Check out my Facebook videos for a run thro…

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Coming across as overconfident in an interview

Coming across as overconfident in an interview

You may, like most people who are eager to make a good impression at an interview, do your best to keep your nerves under control. You want to appear confident and give the very best impression of yourself. Believe it or not, I sometimes hear from interviewers that they did not choose a certain candidate as they came across as over-confident. You may think that this is hard to believe as an interview can be a daunting prospect, but there are cases where an interviewee comes across as a bit too s…

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Memorising answers-how to avoid coming across as too rehearsed

Teaching Interviews: Memorising answers-how to avoid coming across as too rehearsed

There are certain things that our interviewers will want to ask us about at interview. Knowledge of certain aspects of every profession that must be scrutinised at the interview stage - and the teaching profession is no different. You want to be as prepared as possible for your interview but how do you take the answers you have prepared and use them effectively on the day?

Rote learning Vs Information

Rote learning can work fine for a written exam but can be less than ideal in an interview. When y…

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How can I be more confident in interviews?

Interviews can be nerve-wracking, especially the first few! You have been called for interview and you are delighted of course, but the thought of sitting there while you are being asked a barrage of questions can cause you to worry. What can you do to make you feel more confident in interviews? Read on!


Preparation is key. If you have never practiced how you would answer possible questions, how are you to know how you might answer on the day? Take the time to practice with a friend of a p…

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Things you can do to improve your energy and mood in interviews

I wanted to share with you, one massive observation that I'm seeing with many 1-1 interviews with clients recently. That is the effect ENERGY LEVELS have on interviewers and candidates during interviews. Even if you are nervous about interviews, it is important to note what kind of energy you are putting out there. If you convey nervousness and self-doubt, you are sending certain negative signals to the interviewer.

There is a lot you can do to help yourself and your interviewer feel more at ease…

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Making better applications to Educate Together and Community National Schools

This year, I’m placing a huge amount of focus on helping teachers make better applications to Educate Together and Community National Schools.


  • Because their ethos is central to their beliefs and what makes them different.

  • Because they deserve teachers who are closely aligned with what they stand for.

  • Because developing an understanding of all religions is a vital element in accepting all pupils and their religious beliefs (or lack of them) and focusing on real diversity and inclusion.

And so… ma…

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