

Podcast Quotes by Guest Speakers (8)

There’s One Problem With Job Applications for Teachers in Ireland: They Are Not Showcasing the Real You

From my experience reviewing teacher job applications, teachers usually approach the task like it’s an academic exercise. They try to sound like scholars, crafting applications filled with jargon and theoretical insights.

And trying to prove that they are good enough. 

But here’s the truth: schools don’t want academics; they want educators who are authentic, self-aware and passionate. They want to know not just what you’ve done, but who you’ve become because of those experiences.

If you’ve ever fe…

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Podcast Quotes by Guest Speakers (6)

What You Need to Know About Mock Interviews for Irish Teachers

Stepping into a leadership role in education is a dream that many teachers aspire to. Whether you’re aiming to become an Assistant Principal (AP post holder), deputy principal, or principal, the interview process can feel like a daunting hurdle. For educators in Ireland, balancing the growing demands of teaching, family responsibilities, and career growth, mock interviews can be a game-changer.

If you’ve been entrusted with important responsibilities in your school and dream of taking the next st…

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