

Domain 2 Blog

Sarah's Journey in The Career Accelerator Programme

Craving a change? Know that you have more to offer and just need that first break to get to the next step? 

As teachers enrol in The Career Accelerator Programme right now - I'm sharing the story of Sarah who invested in the Programme when it first launched in early 2023. Reflecting on the clients who have enrolled to date - they all have one thing in common - they are HUNGRY for a new role and they know that they have got what it takes.  Does this sound like you too? 

Sarah's Story

Sarah had…

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Reinvigorate Your Job Search by Changing Your Location

Have you ever felt like your job search and interview preparation process is a never-ending cycle, leaving you feeling stuck and uninspired? What if I told you there's a simple yet effective strategy to break this cycle and reignite your motivation? Yes, it's as simple as changing your environment. Curious about how this can transform your job-seeking journey? Let's dive in and explore together.

Spark Creativity and Inspiration

Being in the same space for too long can sometimes dull our creative s…

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