

Navigating Career Change as a Burned Out Teacher Tips and Strategies

Navigating Career Change as a Burned Out Teacher: Tips and Strategies

Discover tips and strategies for navigating career change as a burned-out teacher. Learn how to reflect on your values and interests, research your options, seek support, and build your skills and network. Attend our Masterclass and co-working sessions to take action towards finding a new career path that brings you happiness and fulfillment.

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6 unknown ways you're making a difference in school

1. As a student, I'm so happy that you listen to my news.
2. As a parent, I'm so relieved that you're noticing that my child has dyslexic tendencies. I really struggled in school.
3. As a principal, I'm grateful that you hand in your cuntas mĂ­osĂșil in time. I hate going looking for them
4. As a student, though I can't articulate it properly - my movement break really helps me listen better through the day.
5. As an AP post holder, I really appreciate that you're helping me with this project. Thin

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Your leadership network might sound like...

  • Hey all, I have a question about an issue that I'm having with a student in school. Does anyone have expertise working with pupils with Downs Syndrome?

  • Hi Sarah - would you have 20 mins after 4 pm? - I have a question I'd like to ask you about resources for developing receptive language skills.

  • I've just finished a Masters in SEN - let me know if I can be of any assistance to you.

  • Hi Mary - I'll be applying for principal roles in the future and I'm looking for a mentor - would you be able to guide

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These simple strategies will transform your leadership job application

  • Use positive words like impressive, special, support,

  • Give the results. Use the STAR technique in your job application. State what you did, break it down into the actions you did and give the result of your actions.

  • Expect that they will want to hear your best stories. (*No, they aren't judging you- you're supposed to be telling your best career stories).

  • Add your LinkedIn profile link if you're active on the platform.

  • Make your job application easy to read using headings and subheadings.

  • Remembe

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Evidence of LAOS

What Are The Most Challenging LAOS Topics?

The main concerns in interviews that my clients have are...

  • How to answer the conflict question.
  • How to answer the challenging situation question.
  • The fact that they feel that their competition ‘is high’ for the role
  • How to answer the ‘vision’ question.

School principals can avail of coaching to help them plan their vision, to help them strengthen team dynamics, to help them reflect on how they responded to incidents of conflict or discuss challenging situations. Isn’t that cool?


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How is LAOS 2022 different to the LAOS 2016 version?

How is the LAOS 2022 different to the 2016 version?

I've always loved the Looking at Our Schools Document because it provides teachers with a framework to assess and reflect on how we are developing as professionals. I created a resource with practical questions that help teachers to reflect on how they are progressing in their careers. You'll find it here.

As we progress and make changes in the education system the LAOS document is a fantastic place to allow career and executive coaches to support schools as an organisation and their school leade

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How do you answer the question on the vision for the role/vision for the school?

How do you answer the question on the vision for the role/vision for the school?

This question is one I get again and again from clients and they need to put their thinking caps on! 

How do you answer the question on the vision for the role/vision for the school?

One thing that I noticed when I began leadership coaching is that teachers sometimes were sometimes frustrated and they could sometimes use this question as a chance to vent. For this question, I always recommend that the energy is positive. This question IS NOT a chance to rant and tell them what you believe is g

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What's the difference between The Teachers' Promotion Club and 1-1 services with you?

This question has come up a little in my clarity calls with interested teachers so I'm sharing a little about what you can expect inside the club!

Pros of The Teachers' Promotion Club

1. Exclusive Trainings

Inside The Teachers' Promotion Club we delve deeper into themes that come up in interviews like Time Management, how to deal with the conflict question and lots of in-depth information about the LAOS document. Some of the trainings are paid masterclasses that I've held teachers have invested

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What do I need to do to improve my teaching job application?

I see you. Doubting your SAF - wondering if there’s anything that you can do to improve it, if there’s some secret that others know that you don’t.

If this sounds like you then - you’re in luck!

I've created a quiz that helps teachers pinpoint exactly where they are in their job application process.

Do you want to find out - where YOU are at? It takes just a few minutes and you will get personalized results and actions that you can take to improve your job applications.

Click here to do the quiz: ht

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Deputy Principal Interview Questions - Scenarios

So you are applying for a deputy principal role in your school and you have heard that panels often ask scenario-based questions?

In the interview, they will set the scene to say something like “A child fell on the yard and was hurt - what would you do?” First of all - reflect ‘has this ever happened to you and what did you do?’ What was good about how you resolved the situation and why? It’s important to note here that the panel are looking for reassurance about an aspect of school life that the

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