


Deputy Principal Interview Questions - Scenarios

So you are applying for a deputy principal role in your school and you have heard that panels often ask scenario-based questions?

In the interview, they will set the scene to say something like “A child fell on the yard and was hurt - what would you do?” First of all - reflect ‘has this ever happened to you and what did you do?’ What was good about how you resolved the situation and why? It’s important to note here that the panel are looking for reassurance about an aspect of school life that the

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How do I know which company to go for and which NQT guide to invest in?

There are lots of options available for teachers right now and it can seem a bit confusing! I get that. You may have questions like

  • Which company should I go with (Haha - Go with ME obviously!)

  • How much do I need to invest?

  • What if I'm not getting the results that I want?

  • How do I know if what I'm doing is working or not?

    Today's blog will help you address many of those concerns.

    1. Which company/online guide should I invest in?
    There are loads of amazing supports out there now from teachers on variou

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5 new tips for the STAR technique

I’m most known for helping my clients use the STAR technique. Why do you need it? Teachers need to harness the powers of the STAR technique because it is the universally known technique for competency-based interviews (the types of interviews that are used in education). The STAR framework is the best one to help interviewees tell stories about their actually experience and not tell stories about ‘best practice’ or what they think ‘should’ happen - and give evidence that you have experience and 

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AP and Principal Application Preparation. How to Prepare for Domain 2: Managing an Organisation.

Every year I work with many experienced teachers applying for positions in management roles in their school and beyond. Here we look at how you can outline your experience in managing an organisation.

 Highlighting your managerial skills and capabilities

In your extensive experience as a teacher, you have no doubt faced many managerial issues. Reflecting on challenges and how you overcame them, initiatives you may have facilitated, staff you mentored, and tricky situations you helped to resolv

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limiting beliefs that are warning signs during job hunting season

8 limiting beliefs that are warning signs during job hunting season

During my coach training - one of the most impactful lessons I had was how having limiting beliefs can restrict our growth e.g. If you believe that you’re always unlucky - then it will be practically impossible for another person to change your mind.

Here are a few limiting beliefs that arise during job season for teachers applying for jobs.

I don't have any connections

As an NQT in 2008 - I had no relatives or local friends who I felt could get me a job. I could see people being connected to other

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Why you should invest in your career with The Teachers’ Promotion Club

Connecting with others is rewarding, it makes us feel that we are not alone in the world. - Jonah Berger

The investment in your teaching career with The Teachers' Promotion Club monthly is just €66.

Why make the investment in the Teachers’ Promotion Club?

1. Uniqueness - Member led content

In my research for this group, so many teachers reached out to say that thrive completed the PDSL and loved it but they were missing the connection with classmates when it finished up. Sure, there are webinars out

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What interview questions are asked in DEIS schools

What interview questions are asked in DEIS schools?

DEIS interview coming up soon? Because of the nature of DEIS schools - it’s important to do some research into the DEIS status and planning for the specific interview questions the panel may ask. From my research with DEIS teachers, I’ve noticed three distinct themes and considerations for interview panels of DEIS schools. 1) Classroom management 2) DEIS planning and 3) Disadvantage. If you prepare these questions for your DEIS interviews, you’ll be very prepared!


Classroom Management

  • What active

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Creating a Guiding Vision for Your School - The Core Values Approach

Creating a Guiding Vision for Your School - The Core Values Approach

I regularly ask questions my 1-1 interview leadership coaching clients about the guiding vision of their school. Their replies are always really interesting.

From a coaching perspective, developing an awareness of your core values is really important.

My top 3 core values are commitment, growth and variety. When I make decisions about events, situations, investments etc. - each decision will revolve around my need for variety, commitment and growth. If I don’t experience these things then I feel s

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Further questions from recent leadership interviews

Interview questions for Principal Jobs in Ireland

Are you searching for potential questions for leadership positions? If you’re reading this - I’m betting that you are!

Working 1-1 with 100s of teachers each year - puts me in a great position to hear what the latest questions are that are being asked. I hope you find them useful!

  • Intro: What have been three achievements in your teaching career to date?

  • What was a teaching and learning initiative that you introduced?

  • How do you self-evaluate?

  • What makes you ready to take on 

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