What is Selling Yourself - The Complete Course for Applying for Teaching Jobs?

The Complete Course for Applying for Teaching Jobs

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

I have created a course for anyone who needs advice on the application process for teaching jobs. As we all know, there is a lot of preparation needed when getting ready to send applications into schools. My course will help you navigate this process.

Selling Yourself - The Complete Course for Applying for Teaching Jobs - consists of 31 individual lessons, designed to walk you through the best and most effective means of applying for jobs. The lessons are divided up into 9 different modules and you can complete the modules in your own time.

  • Module 1: The first module is entitled Developing a Successful Mindset and here we work on helping you get in touch with the idea of creating success for yourself.

  • Module 2: Start with the School in Mind - focuses on how you can find out what the interviewer is looking for in an applicant.

  • Module 3: SAFs, focuses on the Standard Application Form and you will get advice on what to do when filling out the form. You will also get advice on how to avoid many of the mistakes I regularly see on forms.

  • Module 4: CVs, is where you will find advice on composing a winning CV.

  • Module 5: Selling Yourself in New Ways, shows you how to find out what is so great about you and how to transmit this to a potential employer.

  • Module 6: Process of Hiring a New Teacher, has great advice from @journeyofaprimaryprincipal and we also cover the rules and regulations of the application process.

  • Module 7: Standing Out, covers how to go about networking and getting noticed.

  • Module 8: will show you how to write an effective Letter of Application.

  • The final module is a sign-off from me and a chance to meditate on the kind of school YOU want to get a job in.

I am delighted to announce the launch of this course and I know it will be a great help to teachers looking to improve their chances of landing that dream teaching job.

You can purchase the course here. Get in touch if you have any other questions about the course here.



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