My pet peeves about the Primary Teaching Standard Application Form

My pet peeves

The Primary Teaching SAF is a very important document and it is important to fill it in correctly. I find that there are sections of the form that could do with some updating and candidates can find the layout a bit confusing, especially if it is their first time doing so. I help my clients to produce impressive SAFs and here are some of the areas of the form that I would like to see changed.

Professional Development

There are too many lines here I reckon, and it would make it so much tidier if there was just one large box in which list the professional development courses that an applicant has attended.

The Guidelines

This is of particular concern to applicants. Clear and concise guidelines on the form would go a long way to put the applicant at ease, knowing that they have followed clear rules and that they put the relevant information in the correct area of the form. Things like explaining what canvassing is, how to best fill in each section and advice for those with restricted qualifications would be very helpful.

That Grade Column for Other Relevant Experience

Why is it there? I’ve never had a client fill anything in, in this section - seems like a waste of space to me!

A really common mistake made by applicants on their SAF

Whatever the issues with the actual form and its layout, there is one big mistake I see applicants making regularly and that is
naming their application correctly. It’s often named something obscure like SAF Application.doc. If a principal is looking for an application and it does not have your name in the title of the document, your application will be very to track down should they want to consider you for interview. Be sure to add your name to the title of your form!

I am here to help whether you need help with your CV, SAF, Interview Practice or advice. Get in touch with me at or find out more here.



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