The Incredible AP Bundle

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Imagine having lifetime access to this course PLUS 1-1 support when you need it?! 

You can run any questions by me in the lead-up to your interview during Voxer Fridays in The Teachers' Promotion Club! 

Run through your answers and practice what you've learned in The Incredible AP Bundle. 

Cancel your membership anytime or stick around to learn more. 

Tip: This membership will help you transform your MINDSET! 

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Yes - I want to Add The' Interview Reframe' Course to my Order

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⭐ It's BRILLIANT when an interview goes your way! 

👉 My mantra is - "You either WIN or you LEARN"

🤩 Interview Reframes for Success and Flops is a short (30 min) Masterclass to guide you to reflect on your learning so that you LEARN to be kind to yourself and which alternative thought patterns are available to you after an interview. 

🧭 An important step to rebuild and maintain your confidence as you progress as a leader. 

Order summary

The Incredible AP Bundle

Designed for those applying for AP roles and those who want to make an impact in their interviews!

Here's what (incredibly!) you'll get access to...

  • My recommended CV Template - communicate your experience with ease and clarity.
  • Cover Letter Template - avoid re-hashing your CV/Job Application (BO-Ring!) with these tried-and-tested cover letter ideas. 
  • Power Verbs resource - print these verbs off to add real IMPACT to your application and interview. 
  • 40+ AP Questions - A fantastic list of questions to BEGIN PREPARING and learn more about how to use the STAR technique in competency-based interviews. 
  • 5 no-brainer interview videos (my MOST POPULAR videos from course participants).
  • STAR technique workbook - Use this workbook to plan out each question under the headings - SITUATION, TASK, ACTION AND RESULT. 
EUR 129
Total due EUR 129

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